Installing and Running Application
Game won't run
During server maintanence, you cannot run the PUBG Mobile application. You can check the maintanence schedules on our official community. If...
Download/install won't work.
Please follow the steps if you're experiencing any issues with installing/running PUBG Mobile.1) Check network connection (Wi-Fi/Data) - If ...
No Events Showing Up
Battlegrounds Mobile is serviced not only in South Korea but in many other countries.This could happen when your location of game installati...
Game won't update
The game may not update when you are connected to an unstable network or when there's insufficient space on your storage.[Free up space] - D...
Update message is not displayed (iOS)
Please follow the steps bellow if the update message is not displayed.[Updating manually]1) Press the 'Update' button on the bottom right co...
Game crashes
There are multiples reasons to game crashes. Please follow the steps below.1) Turn off all application running in background apart from PUBG...
There's no sound
When there's no sound ingame, please check your connected devices via bluetooth. [Checking your sound settings]1) Go to 'Settings" ->...
Voice chat won't work
If your microphone doesn't work ingame, please check the following.1) Check if you have allowed PUBG Mobile to access your microphone2) Chec...
I don't want to receive push notifications
You can turn off push notifications by following the steps below.1. Settings (▲ button on the right side of the lobby screen, tap Settings)2...
Mobile devices gets too hot and drains my battery
PUBG Mobile is planning to make constant efforts to optimize the game so that everyone can play the game in a pleasant environment on variou...
'I can't play the game due to 'Unable to connect to server. Please try a different network or grant WiFi access to the game in your settings. Error code: 1554140712, 154140714 or 154140716.'
The message 'I can't play the game due to 'Unable to connect to server. Please try a different network or grant WiFi access to the game in y...
'Error message 'Cannot connect to Game Center Account' [iOS]
This message is displayed when your Game Center is turned off from your device. Please enable the feature to play PUBG Mobile. To enable Gam...
'I can't play the game due to 'Unable to connect to server. Please try a different network or grant WiFi access to the game in your settings. Error code: 554827782'
The message "Unable to connect to server. Please try a different network or grant WiFi access to the game in your settings. Error code:...
Can I play PUBG Mobile outside of South Korea/Japan?
[South Korea]PUBG Mobile South Korean official app is only serviced in South Korea. You may link your social media accounts to the game but ...
Error message: 'Server not responding. Login again.'
The message is displayed when you have VPN activated on your mobile device. Please deactivate VPN from your device and try again.
Error message: 'Please enable storage access permission for this app in settings and restart the game.'
This message is displayed when you haven't allowed PUBG Mobile to access the device or if you have installed the game in a secured folder wh...
I can't run the game due to an 'Unknown error. Please try again after rebooting your device. Error code: '556793879'
You will receive this error message when your network isn't stable.Please try again when you're connected to a stable network(Wi-Fi/LTE).If ...
I can't run the game due to an 'Unknown error. Please try again after rebooting your device. Error code: '554827799'
You will receive this message when you have insufficient internal storage.Please try again after gaining plenty of internal space.If the iss...
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